Can you light up your customers?

Jun 10, 2020 11:43 am

Hello ,

Why does it look like so many of the suppose people who ought to buy from us are not buying?

Do you think they are asleep or your content isn't compelling enough or is it that they don't like you or are they not aware you exist?

Before I explain the reasons, lets talk about the types of audience that we have:

  1. The cold audience
  2. The warm audience
  3. The hot audience

The cold audience are those prospects or clients who have never heard of you or your brand before.

So, how do you light this cold audience up?

How do you get them from being cold like ice block to being warm?

First,you will need to go find them and get them to know about you



  • Go on platforms where they are

  • Comment intelligently on pages or timeline where you know your target audience always visit.

Your intelligent comment will not only stand you out , it will make your target audience want to check you out and most likely follow you.

  • Also find your niche so you can stand out in a saturated market.

  • Upgrade your content:understand what your audience what and how they want it, then give them in full dose.

  • Run Ads: this always you reach a different audience entirely.

  • Check out what your competitors are doing to get huge engagement.

  • Learn how to maximize the different platform you are on so you can effectively grow your brand and not get lost in the crowd.

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click on the reply button and tell me what you learned.


