6 Reasons Why Walking is a Wonder Drug.

Happy Monday ! Check out why walking is a wonder drug…6 Reasons Why Walking is a Wonder Drughere is this week’s newsletter. in health,BillThe Habits of Health Transformational System is all about starting small and encourages you to start practicing...

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Aug 05, 2024
Commit to Health $190+ Savings August Only

Commit to Health $190+ Savings August Only Is it time?You are in a different place. Your health is still important to you. What if you started again, and you like your new story better? Our Clinically Proven Nutrition Plan, Coach...

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Aug 05, 2024
Bill's Healthy habits newsletter and personal update

Happy Monday ! It has been a minute since you last heard from me... there are seasons of life that get away from you. The beginning of summer was one of those seasons for us. I sent my last newsletter as Wendy and I were preparing to travel to her da...

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Jul 08, 2024