This week's Newsletter, Atomic Habits Challenge, and Commit 2 Health Promo ends Saturday Aug 31

Aug 26, 2024 8:24 pm

Happy Monday !

A couple of exciting announcements before this week's Healthy Habits Newsletter.


I am joining the September Atomic Habits Challenge to help get back into structure following the summer, and I would love for you to join my team. This challenge is open to anyone regardless of the program they are following and of where they are in their health. The registration link is here



The Commit to Health promo for new or reactivated clients ends Saturday. If you are a new client or haven't placed an order for the past six months, there is a major discount available. Reach out if you would like top take advantage of the savings!


Here is this week's newsletter.

As summer draws to a close, it's a great time to reestablish healthy routines at work and in social settings. Here are a few tips to help you stay on track with your journey toward optimal health and wellbeing while making the most of your daily life.

While at Work

Stock your own stash. Make sure you have healthy OPTAVIA Fuelings on hand so you can avoid temptation. OPTAVIA bars and shakes are meant to be enjoyed every two to three hours, fitting seamlessly into an on-the-go healthy lifestyle.

Don’t sit when you can stand. Staying stationary for long periods can harm your health. Our bodies are built to move. Standing for an extra two minutes each day can help with achieving your goals.

In Social Settings

Check the menu before you go. Dining out with friends can still be an enjoyable activity while on plan. It just takes a little advance preparation. Look at the menu online and select a meal that fits into your plan or can be customized to fit within your plan. This allows you to focus on friends and family while you’re out rather than stressing over your menu selections. The OPTAVIA Dining Out Guide" is a great resource to empower you to make healthier choices in social settings.

Offer to host. Bring the fun to your home. Offer to host an event at your place so you can manage what’s served and stick to your plan. If you're invited to a party, volunteer to bring a healthy dish that you and your friends can enjoy.

Routines help us manage our health alongside our work, home, and community lives. Connect with me to discuss how you can maximize your efforts on your journey to Lifelong Transformation, Making a Healthy Lifestyle Second Nature.

Check out Dr. A’s Element Stories here!

As we move toward the end of 2024, now is the perfect time to revisit your previous goals and add new goals for the remainder of the year!

If you plan on setting new goals, you can strategize by using the "SMART" formula. SMART is a tool that helps provide clarity, focus and motivation to achieve your goals. It encourages you to define your objectives and set a precise completion date.

For example, when you’re ready to incorporate a regular motion routine into your schedule, but you’re not quite sure how to start or what to do, consider using the steps of the SMART system for outlining goals:

  • Specific. Your goals should be clear and focused, so you’re genuinely motivated to achieve them. When creating your goals, determine exactly what you want to accomplish and why your goals are important to you.
  • Measurable. Having measurable goals allows you to track and assess your progress. Instead of thinking "I'm going to walk regularly," try, "I am going to walk for 20 minutes at least three days a week."
  • Achievable. To be successful, your goals should be achievable. If you are new to exercise, don't expect to run a marathon on your first day. Instead, start with baby steps and build on them. Celebrate the little victories that add up to the big ones!
  • Relevant. Your goals should make sense for you. Carefully consider what some of your long-term health aspirations are. If you want to move more, then set SMART goals that incorporate motion into your days. Make sure your goals make sense for your lifestyle and resources you have access to. Your goals should be something that you can do — not too easy, but not too difficult either.
  • Time-bound. Every goal should have a target date, so you have a deadline to focus on and work toward. It's important to give yourself a practical timeframe to achieve your final objective. Set dates for when you want to accomplish your goals and write them on your calendar. Having that visual reminder will help keep you accountable.

Forming SMART goals effectively provides the clarity you need to start the second half of the year strong!

Let’s discuss other ways to practice SMART techniques to achieve your goals on your journey to Lifelong Transformation, Making a Healthy Lifestyle Second Nature.

Yield: 4 servings

Total Time: 30 minutes

Per Serving: 1 Leaner, 1 Healthy fat, 3 Green, 3 Condiments


1 cup diced tomatoes

1 tsp Italian seasoning

½ cup low-fat cream cheese, softened
3 large eggs, lightly beaten
¼ tsp ground black pepper
2 cups cooked cauliflower rice

2 cups cooked Gardein plant-based crumbles

1 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
1 cup chopped red, green, or yellow peppers

Cooking spray
2 cups arugula

4 tbsp red wine vinaigrette


  1. In a small bowl, combine the diced tomatoes with the Italian seasoning. Set aside.
  2. In a mixing bowl beat cream cheese, with a spatula or wooden spoon until smooth. Whisk in the beaten egg and black pepper until thoroughly combined.
  3. To the egg-cream cheese mixture, stir in the cauliflower, half of the plant-based crumbles, half of the diced tomatoes, half of the mozzarella, and half of diced peppers.
  4. Preheat a waffle iron and spray both sides with the cooking spray.
  5. Put an adequate amount of the cauliflower mixture on your waffle iron (the amount may vary depending on the waffle iron's size), and cook until almost golden brown, about 10 minutes.
  6. Once done remove the pizza waffles from the waffle iron and place on a wire rack.
  7. Repeat until the mixture is used up.
  8. Top waffles with remaining tomatoes, cheese, plant-based crumbles, and diced peppers.
  9. Place in a hot oven or broiler until cheese is melted.
  10. Combine the arugula with the red wine vinaigrette.
  11. Divide waffles evenly among 4 plates, and serve with a ½ cup dressed arugula per serving.


Nutrition Per Serving: Per Serving: 320 calories, 17g fat, 17g carbohydrate, 26g protein

Discover other plan-approved Lean & Green recipes in the OPTAVIA App. 

Download the OPTAVIA App today!


Living Out Loud

OPTAVIA started as a means for weight loss for Christina, but she realized very early on it was so much more. “Yes, I lost 40 lbs* and was at a healthy BMI for the first time in my adult life, but I was also learning how to create a healthy lifestyle for my family and myself.” OPTAVIA has helped break the unhealthy habits she grew up with. “It’s helped me and my family understand the importance of eating enough protein and eating vegetables every day.”

Christina now shows up as the best version of herself daily. As an OPTAVIA Coach, Christina appreciates the unique opportunity of offering the gift of health to others. “For many years, I believed volunteering at my children's school or the kid's ministry at church was the way to help and impact people, until I discovered the value of coaching.” By walking alongside friends, family and strangers who have become family on their journeys toward transformational health, she discovered a passion she never knew she had!

Christina feels blessed to have mentors in the OPTAVIA Community who have paved the way and established a system that is easy to follow. “With their constant support, training and encouragement, I can provide my Clients with the best version of ME as their Coach and guide them to success on their health journeys and lasting health.”

*Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.


Bill Ellis
Orlando, Florida

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Have a blessed week.

