Bill's Healthy Habits Newsletter for July 29, 2024 Let's commit together to finish 2024 strong!

Jul 29, 2024 10:11 pm

Hello ! Today's update is longer than usual, but it is worth the read.


Earlier this year, I needed to reevaluate my commitment to the healthy habits that I learned three years ago and that I am teaching others. The fifteen pounds that I gained back after losing 65 pounds kind of snuck up on me. I never really abandoned what I had learned, but I also was not paying as much attention to the quantities and qualities of the things that I was eating and drinking. To be honest, I had become complacent and since I felt good, I never really pushed through to great. In January 2021, I weighed 265 pounds, and I set a goal to get down to 180 pounds. As I reached 200 pounds, I felt great. I was active, and my friends were telling me I had lost ENOUGH weight. So, I called it quits twenty pounds short of the goal line that I have set for myself. Fast forward three years to February 2024 and I am weighing 2015 pounds. I still feel good, but my clothes are a little tight and I had lost a step on the pickleball court. Through some soul searching and a frank talk with my PCP, I decided to really go after my health and recommit to all the things that I had learned. Today, I weighed in at 184 pounds (my weight during my senior year in high school) and plan to continue working towards lean muscle building following the Flex plan protocol that I have been piloting over the past six weeks along with OPTAVIA's ACTIVE PLAN products.

Are you in need of a reboot? There is a fantastic COMMIT TO HEALTH promotion for new clients or clients that have been inactive for 180 days. With this promo, you save $205 your first month and $100 your second month on our 5&1 Fat burn plan. For just $10 a day, you recieve a month's worth of fuelings plus one-on-one coaching, the Habits of Health Transformation System and access to a vibrant community focused on making healthy habits second nature.

Have you hit your goals and need to know what to do "After the After"? Message me! I'd love to talk to you about our active offerings. They have been game changing for me.

Are you a past client that had problems tolerating our fuelings? You might be interested in the flex program that I have been using for the past six weeks to lose 12 pounds. This protocol is much more interactive, as you must actively monitor your calories and macros, but gives a wonderful understanding of how to fuel your body long term.

Let's set up a call!

Check out our programs and products

Have a blessed week!


Check out my best OPTYAVIA tips and tricks here:

Food cravings impact so many people and can lead to impulsive, unhealthy choices. Element 16 of Your LifeBook explains why it’s important to be prepared when confronted with unhealthy food choices.

Uncomfortable feelings can often make us turn to food as a quick fix — but it doesn’t have to be like this! We may not control when these impulses come, but we can control how we handle them.

Check out these tips on how to deal with addictive foods:

  • Pause. Before reaching into the cabinet for an unhealthy choice, take a moment to pause and ask yourself why. Are you eating because you’re hungry? If so, reach for a healthier option. Are you eating because you’re bored? Remember that eating will only temporarily occupy you — opt for a different activity that will be more fulfilling.
  • Wait it out. Cravings for addictive foods may feel intense in the moment but are typically brief. Rather than immediately acting on your craving, give it a moment to pass. Remember your personal health goals and remind yourself that unhealthy choices are obstacles between you and achieving these goals.
  • Remove the temptations. The simplest yet most challenging solution to giving up addictive foods is to remove them from your home. When the impulse to make an unhealthy decision comes, you won’t be able to act on it. Instead of filling your pantry with unhealthy options, stock up on Fuelings so healthier choices are available. Although it can be tough to resist picking up your favorite unhealthy snacks at the store, remember they’re an obstacle between you and your personal health goals.
  • Use your support system. In a moment of weakness, a quick text or phone call to a family member or a member of the OPTAVIA Community can serve as a distraction and remind you of your personal health goals.

Remember, the more conscious you are about what you put into your body, the easier it’ll be to make healthy choices.

Connect with me for more tips and suggestions on how to deal with addictive foods.

Check out Dr. A’s Element Stories here!

Self-awareness is key to personal growth. By gradually building it, you'll better understand what kind of interactions you should have with others. In short, self-awareness helps you create and maintain the healthy life you want and deserve.

There are two kinds of self-awareness—internal and external—both equally important. Internal self-awareness is knowing your own character, feelings, motives and desires. External self-awareness helps you understand how others see you.

Building self-awareness lets you make intuitive decisions without second-guessing. Here are some simple ways to develop it on your journey to optimal health and wellbeing:

  • Self-reflect. Self-reflection means looking at yourself and your actions in an unbiased way. Reviewing your actions before, during and after situations without judgment is tough but builds long-term emotional intelligence.
  • Journaling. Writing down your feelings can help you reflect on past or present situations. Use Your LifeBook or a journal to jot down your thoughts and feelings, then revisit these entries to better understand yourself.
  • Get an outside perspective. Seek input from trusted family members, friends or a professional counselor. Ask them what words describe you and their perception of your strengths and weaknesses. Honest feedback may be challenging, but it helps you identify when to change or stay the same, building a complete picture of who you are and how you take responsibility for your actions.

Let’s talk more about building self-awareness on your journey to Lifelong Transformation, Making a Healthy Lifestyle Second Nature .





1 lb. firm white fish such as cod, haddock, grouper, mahi mahi or tilapia 

2 tsp vegetable oil 

½ tsp chili powder 

Cooking Spray 

Spicy Yogurt Sauce

⅓ cup non-fat Greek yogurt 

1 tbsp hot sauce 

2 tbsp water

For the Bowl

1½ cups cauliflower rice 

2 tbsp salsa

½ cup shredded red and green cabbage 

2 tsp lime juice 

½ cup chopped tomato 

½ cup sliced radishes

3 oz. cubed avocado, about ½ of an avocado 

1 tbsp reduced fat feta cheese, crumbled 


  1. Brush fish with vegetable oil and sprinkle with chili powder.
  2. Preheat grill or grill pan over medium-high heat. Spray grill grates with cooking spray and grill fish for about 3 to 4 minutes on each side. Transfer fish to a plate or cutting board and allow to rest for 5 minutes, then break into pieces. Set aside and keep warm.
  3. In a small bowl, combine the Greek yogurt, the hot sauce and enough water to make a loose drizzle, about 2 tablespoons.
  4. Steam or microwave cauliflower rice for 5 minutes until tender. Let cool, then toss with salsa. Set aside.
  5. Toss the cabbage with the lime juice.

To assemble each bowl, start with ¾ cup of cauliflower rice. Top with an equal amount of grilled fish, cabbage slaw, chopped tomato, sliced radishes and avocado slices. Drizzle with


Nutrition Per Serving: 290 calories, 12g fat, 17g carbohydrate, 32g protein

Discover other plan-approved Lean & Green recipes in the OPTAVIA App. 

Download the OPTAVIA App today!


From Weight Loss to Lifestyle Change

OPTAVIA started as a means for weight loss for Christina, but she realized early on it was so much more. “Yes, I lost 40 lbs* and was at a healthy BMI for the first time in my adult life, but I was also learning how to create a healthy lifestyle for my family and myself.” OPTAVIA has helped break the lifelong generational unhealthy habits she grew up with. “It’s helped my family and me understand the importance of eating enough protein and eating vegetables every day.”

Christina now shows up as the best version of herself daily. As an independent OPTAVIA Coach, she appreciates the unique opportunity of offering the gift of wellbeing to others. “For many years, I believed volunteering at my children's school or the kids ministry at church was the way to help and impact people — until I discovered the value of coaching.” By walking alongside friends, family and strangers who become family on their journeys toward transformational health, she discovered a passion she never knew she had.

Christina feels blessed to have mentors in the OPTAVIA Community who have paved the way and established a system that is easy to follow. “With their constant support, training and encouragement, I can provide my Clients with the best version of ME as their Coach and guide them to success on their health journeys toward optimal health.”

*Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.


Bill Ellis
Orlando, Florida

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