Do you think you’re getting the very best out of your team? While finding great talent is more challenging then ever, the bigger challenge is retention, as 95% of employees are thinking about leaving their job within the next six months. Are you sure...
Looking for a promotion, or a new job? When preparing for your next interview, it’s one thing to get your resume in order, and intelligent responses to the questions you’re anticipating being asked. To separate yourself from the other candidates, dev...
When a salesperson is faced with an objection, who is responsible for defusing them? The salesperson, of course. After all, think of the countless hours salespeople are trained on how to overcome objections. But to do so successfully, it’s time to un...
If you’re looking to build impenetrable relationships with your customers, giving them more or less of what you think they want isn’t the answer. In fact, it could be the very thing that destroys your relationships. If you want to learn how to streng...
Conflict resolution skills? What if there was no longer such a thing as conflict and confrontation but rather connection, creativity and collaboration? Here’s a costly statistic. 92% of employees deal with conflict in the workplace, while 78% try to...
One thing salespeople need to learn how to do and how to do better is insulating customers from their competition. How do you feel when your phone rings or you get that email or text from one of your vendors who you haven’t spoken with in six months,...
Managers, how can you build trust with employees during performance appraisals? You can’t. In fact, your performance review process creates the appraisal and observation resentment and mistrust you’re trying to avoid. A Forbes study reported that onl...
What are the most common mistakes to avoid in a presentation? You may be surprised it has nothing to do with skill and everything to do with how you think. The Five Most Common Mistakes That Obliterate Your Presentations 1. The root cause of every fa...
While over 70% of companies are actively looking to hire, according to a CareerBuilder survey, 84% percent of companies said they’ve hired the wrong person for a position. The leading cause may not be the candidate, or your hiring process, but the em...
No Jedi Mind-trick here. The magic happens in changing your mindset and communication. Discover what you can do to Coach Up and create the relationship you want with your manager and how you like to be managed. During my trip to Moscow, while deliver...