There's a way through. Through it all. All of the pandemics. All of the heartache. All of the failures. All of the disappointments. You only need to truly see it.
Human beings. Socially distancing. Zooming. Interacting. Human beings. Pretending.
What has COVID-19 truly given you? What tangible benefit could there possibly be? What could you take from this? That will actually impact you in ten years? It's the realization of another pandemic. The one that hopefully stays long after the novel c...
I'm running out of time. I've already lived 18,283 days. Been given a ton more days since my near-death experience. Total gifts. When will I start treating them as such? Days I've been generously given. Opportunities. Each one. To not waste another....
Have you noticed? That your noticing? Have you noticed what your noticing? Have you noticed that you notice one thing but not the other? That you are always noticing? Have you noticed?
Your safety zone. Doesn't exist. There is no safety zone. There's only being. Being in the zone. Your zone. The zone you've got. Right now. Forget getting into the zone. Be in the zone you have now. How do you get into the zone you have now? You get...
You can be the master of your day. Your domain. Your work. Your play. Your hour. Your moment. Your life. By stop trying to master it all. By intentionally learning who you truly are.
At this moment. There is only here. At this moment. There is only now. At this moment. There is nothing else.