dill's blogWhy diets don’t work Because they typically require that you overload yourself with a bunch of new rules and habits. Now, if you’ve read any of my stuff in the past, you know I love rules and habits. They are the path toward a healthy, ful...
dill's blogBe careful when a friend says this As we get older, it gets harder and harder to stay in consistent contact with all the people you’d like to keep in touch with. But if you’ve ever tried to set up a call or a hangout with a buddy, you migh...
dill's blogThe secret to getting noticed online Lol I have no idea. Or rather, I have no idea how to guarantee success in your creative or business endeavors. On top of this blog, I’ve launched a weekly newsletter, a podcast, a YouTube channel, and a...
dill's blogFrom strangers to family Last night was my first day back to the jiujitsu gym in four months. I took time off because I had a bunch of family events for the holidays and trips and flights I didn’t want to miss out on. I didn’t want to incr...
dill's blogWhy I don’t write on Sundays It’s not because it’s Lorde’s day. It’s simply to give myself a rest. Not that sitting down to write for 30 minutes is a taxing task, but giving yourself breaks with everything you do is vital. I used to go to...
dill's blogThe slow mornings For 99% of mornings, I sit down here and words flow out of my fingers onto the keyboard. For the other 1%, I wake up late after a night of drinking with close friends. It’s mornings like these where I feel creatively drai...
dill's blogThe PERMAH Wheel One exercise I do with my coaching clients is work through the PERMAH Wheel. Simply write down each letter and declare, on a scale from 1-10, how satisfied you are with each category. Then, explain why you gave that answer...
dill's blogThis simple habit makes me super happy Aside from keystone habits (habits that make other habits easier) like good sleep and exercise, there’s no one habit to rule them all. A fulfilling life typically consists of a number of healthy routi...
dill's blogWhy I torture myself A few weeks ago, I was trying to explain the value of inflicting discomfort or “pain” upon myself to a friend. She was puzzled. This was understandable. It’s difficult to put into words, especially because the benefits...