Watch the VideoHi ,Your partner makes the opening lead. If a card in dummy is not winning the trick, you will typically play "third hand high" and attempt to win the trick; however, if the card in dummy is winning the trick, you will instead give pa...
Hi ,Well, we've had some pretty special guest teachers in the past, but our guest today deserves a very special welcome. None other than Jack Stocken's mum joins us today for our latest video! We hope you'll enjoy this - I sure did. It was a real ple...
Draw Trumps or Cross-ruff for Extra Tricks? - with Marla LawsonWatch the videoDear ,In a 4♥ contract, we have ten trumps but are missing the ♥A and the ♥Q. With a singleton diamond in dummy's hand and a singleton spade in declarer's, how should we pl...
Watch the videoAs responder, we have a nice hand with 15 hcp, five diamonds and four spades. Should we respond 1♠ or 1♦?How can we plan our bidding to let partner know both about our strength as well as our two good suits?Watch the video with Curt an...
Hi ,Raise your hand if you still sometimes feel totally paralyzed with fear when playing bridge? I'm always amazed at how many of us still wrestle with this feeling from time to time - and, even though so many of us do, how hard it is to talk about!...
Watch the videoHi ,What happens if the first line we see as declarer goes wrong? Before we play trick 1, it's time to consider an alternative line that works on the distribution when our first line fails. Have a go with Ollie and see if you spot it b...
Watch the videoHi ,What is the Rule of 20 in bridge?Many thanks to Anatara Keelor for a review of this effective tool for knowing when our shape means we should open even if we might be a bit short in strength.How does it work? Watch the video and th...
Watch the videoDear ,We need 9 tricks to make this contract, and can only count on 6 of them. How can we get 3 more tricks to make this contract?What needs to happen in order for this to work?I am so impressed that the beginners in Marla's class are...
Hi ,I hope your 2023 is off to a wonderful start! I must admit my play has really been struggling recently - I suppose that means there is even more room for improvement this year? In previous years, I believe I wished for us all to have an abundance...
Watch the videoHi ,Wrapping up our 2022, we hope you'll enjoy this video inspired by a question I often struggle with...How can we know if we're doubling too often or not often enough?In a random tournament on BBO, these two hands came up and I doubl...