Hey there ,Hopefully by now you've joined us in our community.If you haven't...You can still use the link from yesterday...But understand that by tonight that link will expire.Yesterday at the 97 day clinic...Something absolutely wonderful happened.....
Hey there people!So yesterday I got an email from one of us: Subi...A lovely young lady from Ghana.Apparently the link I'd sent for joining HPEN had expired.Anyways...I promised to send out the link for the last time today...If you miss this one...#e...
Hey there ,So yesterday we had our very first rapid results clinic for MIH.If you're a paying participant of the program you should have access to the program by now.We clarified our impossible goals and dealt with the blockers that typically hold us...
Hey there ,So yesterday we officially kicked off Making Impossible Happen...And I promised to carry us all along even if you're not in the program it self..Now obviously there's a lot you won't have access to if you're not a part of the program...But...
Hey there What’s the craziest, most insanely wonderful thing you can imagine doing over the next 90 days? Is it starting a new business? Paying off your debts? Traveling the world? Do you want to write a book?Sell a high ticket offer?Show at a s...
Hey there guys!I'm live as promised.Same link as before.CTM
Hey there people!Given our last experience on Monday...I'm thinking rather than have a repeat...Let's move today's meeting to tomorrow.By that time I'll be back in Lagos.So sorry for the abrupt change.But going by my current interest access..It'll pr...
Hey there people!So...If you noticed...You didn't get email from me yesterday till pretty late...To be honest...That email was supposed to have been sent in pretty early..But my email listserv developed some issues...It's not back to 100% yet but...A...
Hey there people!Sorry this is coming late.We're moving house today on HPEN...And there's a ton to do...Our new community home on heartbeat is almost ready...Click Here to get in and set up your profile.WARNING: GOLD & PLATINUM MEMBERS PLEASE DO...
Hey there people!So as you probably know by now..We're moving house.That means...I'm moving the 97 day challenge and all other platinum level content from acadle to heartbeat.Why?The community and support experience there is so much better.Whilst we'...