Grounding, recap of California, and online membership

Jun 22, 2024 7:39 pm

Hi Friends!

I hope your June has been so good! My husband and I got back this week from a 10-day trip to California. We visited friends and family, got to meet some really cool Instagram friends IRL, and I co-taught the Female Core & Pelvic Floor Fitness Specialist Certification with Kim Vopni in San Diego. Here's our group photo (missing just a couple)!!


It was an incredible trip, and I came home with tandals (tan lines from my Earth Runners) so you could say it was a success.

There's so much power in being able to go barefoot outside, and feel the earth beneath you. There are not only strength and mobility benefits for your feet, legs, hips, and pelvic floor, but there are also grounding benefits! My encouragement for you today is to go barefoot outside for a minimum of 5 minutes, and see how you feel. Hit reply and let me know how it goes for you!

Speaking of summer and outside time...this season is a difficult time for us to keep our routines of movement, especially when we want to be doing all the things and are tired from the long days.


If you're looking for some more education on the pelvic floor and quick follow-along workout videos, check out my online course that I recently turned into a monthly online membership! You can get it for free for 10 days, and every month I go live to do some group coaching and answer your questions. Our next call is Friday, June 28 at 1pm AK time, 5pm eastern time. I wanted to make it easily accessible so it's $28 a month, and you can cancel any time.

With that, go and play in the sunshine this weekend!!



