LIVE call happening today!

Jul 26, 2024 6:39 pm

Hi everyone!

It's a rainy Friday here, and I wanted to send a quick email about my new membership! If you haven't heard yet, I've converted my online course into a monthly membership to make it more accessible for everyone! It's $28/month, but the cool thing is you'll get a free 10 day trial before your first monthly payment. So try it out for 10 days for free, you could even get through the whole course in that time, and cancel before your first payment....just sayin.

You can join here for free today, then click on the Meetups tab, and RSVP for today's call! There's also a Kajabi Communities app so you can login from your phone and get push notifications there as well.

It includes monthly live calls with me, and today's call is happening at 1pm Alaska time, 5pm EDT. We'll be chatting all about my top tips for incontinence, and it will be recorded if you miss it.

If you're wanting to see a sample of some of the videos included in the course, you can watch the one about the basics of the core breath here.image

My intent with this membership is to provide quality resources to all of you, because I can't possibly see all of you in real life or even virtually for 1:1 sessions. This is a great jumping off place, if you've been thinking about dedicating more time to your health and wellness, especially as we start thinking about the routines of the school year and fall time coming up.

Let me know if you have any questions!! Otherwise, I hope to see you in a few hours for the call!

Trial the membership for 10 days here!


