July = half year goal setting

Jul 01, 2024 10:18 pm

Hey friends,

It's July 1st! We are halfway through 2024 and that's both hard to believe and also exciting. Looking at the next six months as a possibility and opportunity to set new goals, assess what didn't serve you the first half of the year, and move forward with confidence and grace is refreshing, at least to me! I hope you feel the same.


(I wish you could smell this photo, these wild roses were heavenly!)

I invite you to do a little soul searching with me today! Here are some prompts that might be helpful:

  1. What served me well from January to June?
  2. What didn't serve me well that I want to move on from?
  3. What do I hope to accomplish by the end of December?
  4. What was the most life-giving thing from the first half of the year?
  5. What was the most soul-sucking thing that I can avoid going forward?
  6. What have I learned about myself so far this year?
  7. What is something new I've started?
  8. What is something that surprised me about 2024?
  9. What kind of energy do I want to bring into the second half of the year?
  10. What do I still need to make this year feel fulfilling for me?
  11. What area of my life do I want to focus on in the next six months?
  12. How is my mental health?
  13. How is my physical health?
  14. How is my spiritual health?
  15. How do I want to show up for my family as we move through the rest of the year?
  16. What is one skill I want to learn how to do before December 31st?
  17. What is something I neglected for the first part of the year and want to start reincorporating into my routine?
  18. What is something that I need to declutter? (Mental space, physical space, etc.)
  19. What is something I've been holding onto for too long? (Physical items, habits, beliefs, etc.)
  20. What can I do today to kickstart this month?
  21. What is something I'm proud of from this year?

Thanks for coming along with me on this reflective practice. I am looking forward to all the good that is coming in the rest of 2024!

Here for you and your wellness!


