Its for your safety (we promise, really we do)

When someone wants to take your stuff or your rights, rarely will they say, "Hey, I am just a greedy, power tripping person and you best comply or else!" It is one reason I always appreciated the mafia - while evil, at least they were honest and gene...

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Apr 09, 2024
Good things come to those who wait

We know you have been waiting. What is the schedule, who are the speakers, and more.We have never had an RFC with this many speakers, this many attendee gifts, this many moving parts, and more! But good things come to those who wait. So here are al...

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Mar 22, 2024
What is a PMA?

My apologies for writing in riddles. What is a PMA? It is a Private Membership Association. They have a fairly long (along with interesting and debated...) history in the United State. The basic idea is simple - a PMA moves interactions between peo...

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Mar 08, 2024
Does anyone do free speech anymore?

How do you handle when someone disagrees with you?Or when you think someone is wrong? It is one of the big challenges of our day... in the media, they tend to just scream and shout at each other. On social media... well, maybe even worse. Joel and...

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Mar 08, 2024
Watch or join the Amos Miller rally today!

Today, starting at 11.30 AM eastern time folks will begin to gather to support Amos Miller at the Lancaster Court House (50 North Duke Street, Lancaster PA). If you or anyone you know can join (so please spread the word) , Amos' court case starts at...

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Feb 29, 2024
A Rogue Heard Round the World

Today marks just three months until our next Rogue Food, once again at Polyface in the beautiful Shenandoah valley of Virginia. Great food. Fabulous attendee gifts. Farm tours. The great PMA debate. Maybe even John and Daniel's annual volleyball g...

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Feb 15, 2024
Will you be one of the 40?

It's cold this morning. The windchill is double negative digits. Every animal needed water hauled from inside the house to replace their frozen bowls. Hot mash for the chickens to help them lay even though the days are still short and the temperatu...

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Jan 15, 2024
The weather outside is frightful...

Moving animals. Stocking up on firewood. Preparing for possibly losing water. Bedding down animals. Bringing all the plants inside (that we have space for, that is...)This week looks to be pretty challenging across a fair bit of the US weather wis...

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Jan 11, 2024