89. The Drunk Whisperer

Verbal de-escalation is a tool that can be learned by almost anyone. In this episode, we learn from two masters in the art of de-escalating those who are agitated and upset:  Jose Pacheco, RN, known affectionately to his co-workers as ‘The Drunk Whis...

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Oct 10, 2022
88. Peak Ending

What happens at the end of an event can disproportionately impact our perception and memory of it. In this episode, we investigate the research behind the peak end pattern and how you can use this phenomenon to improve your own experience at work (an...

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Sep 26, 2022
87. Availability Bias with Justin Morgenstern, MD

We’re all guilty of it, basing decisions on the most recent event. It’s surely part of our wiring. The question is – what do we do about it. In this episode, Justin Morgenstern breaks down availability bias: what it is, how it shows up in life and me...

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Sep 12, 2022
86. Mastering Workflow and Overwhelm

Specific strategies to improve workflow and manage overwhelm during an emergency department shift. Guest Bio: Landon Mueller, MD is an emergency physician and fellowship trained sports medicine specialist who gave the best talk I’ve ever seen on mana...

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Aug 28, 2022
85. The Professional’s Mindset

What does it mean to act like a true professional? I’m not sure it’s been fully fleshed out in medicine but I’ve met those who are exemplars of it. This pod is a conversation with my partner in hundreds of critical resuscitations, Ben Peery, MD. We t...

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Aug 15, 2022
83. A Recalibration Story

When you are at the lowest of lows after a devastating case, how do you recover in real time? It’s certainly not easy and it takes a clear plan of action to do it well.  In this episode, pediatric hospitalist Sarangan Uthayalingam walks us through a...

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Jul 25, 2022
82.  Letter to My Future Self

Have you ever had a situation where afterward you repeatedly questioned the choice you made at the time? You chewed on it, perseverated on it, kept coming back to it? If you are a clinician, there is an amplifier to this because someone else’s life i...

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Jul 11, 2022
81. Medical Ethics in the Heat of the Moment

Medical Ethicist Abbott, MD walks us through her perspectives on myriad ethical quandaries including:  How to approach discordance between a patient’s written wishes and a family member who says do the opposite, the ethics of operating on demented pa...

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Jun 27, 2022