Benefits of Audits

ISO 9000 defines an audit as "a systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining objective evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled." A quality audit is typically carried out...

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Dec 15, 2021
Purpose and Scope of Audits

An audit is an examination by one or more auditors of the records, documents, processes, procedures, etc., to determine whether those things comply with certain specified requirements. The requirements may be outlined in the internal work process, ru...

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Dec 15, 2021
Audit Types by Purpose

There are various purposes for which an audit could be conducted. This post provides a brief overview of each audit type and its purpose.Verification of Corrective Action AuditsIt's used to verify that corrective actions have been implemented as plan...

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Dec 15, 2021
First, Second, Third-Party, Internal and External Audits

Audits can be classified as first-party, second-party, and third-party audits based on the auditor-auditee relationship. Another way to classify audits will be internal and external audits.First-Party AuditsA first-party audit is performed by a perso...

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Dec 14, 2021
Audit Types: Product, Process and System Audit

An audit is a systematic examination of a system, process or product. It provides assurance that the specified requirements are being met. Audits provide assurance that the organization's systems are working as intended and that they meet the require...

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Dec 14, 2021
Types of Supply-Chain Risks

In the past, supply chain risks were mainly associated with the quality and safety of products. Today, they are also linked to financial issues such as fraud or counterfeiting and environmental concerns such as pollution or waste. As a result, supply...

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Dec 14, 2021
Types of Business Risks

Every business has its own unique set of risks, but these ten types are common to all companies and can be managed through effective risk management strategies. Business Risk 1: Financial Risks Business Risk 2: Reputation Risk Business Risk 3: Operat...

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Dec 14, 2021
Risk Management – An Introduction

What is risk management? What does it mean to manage risk? How should companies approach risk management? Today's world has become much more complex. Businesses need to deal with multiple risks at any given time. Risk management is the process of ide...

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Dec 13, 2021
Mind Mapping

The mind mapping technique is a great way to organize information in your brain. It's also helpful in brainstorming, organizing projects and personal goals, planning out strategies, and more.What Is Mind Mapping?Mind mapping is a visual thinking meth...

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Dec 13, 2021
Lateral Thinking

Do you ever find yourself stuck in a rut? Or maybe even feeling lost? Lateral thinking is the ability to think outside the box. It's being able to look at problems from different angles and see new solutions. We are all capable of lateral thinking, b...

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Dec 13, 2021