Stratification is a technique used to divide a population into homogeneous subsets. Studying defect types for multiple products might not give you a good idea about the cause. For example, you may want to study the types of defects produced by a prod...
A check sheet can be used for collecting both quantitative and qualitative data. When used to collect qualitative data, a check sheet collects data in the form of checkmarks. It indicates how many times a particular value has occurred. That way, it l...
Cause and effect diagrams are commonly used to illustrate causal relationships. Causal relationships are relationships between two or more factors. When we talk about causality, we mean that something happens because another thing happened first.What...
A Scatter diagram is one of the Seven Basic Quality Tools. It plots two sets of observations against each other; the horizontal axis represents one set of observations (independent variable) while the vertical axis represents the second set of observ...
Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto originally developed the Pareto principle. He noticed that 80% of the land was owned by 20% of the population in Italy. In the context of quality management, this chart was popularized by Joseph Juran. According to J...
The term "business process" is used herein to refer to any set of activities performed by a business, such as the activities involved in manufacturing or service provision. "Business process management" is a way to organize and manage the activities...
Researchers Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann developed a model for resolving conflicts. This model is known as the Thomas-Kilman model. Conflict occurs whenever people disagree. The disagreement could be over their perceptions, ideas, values, motivat...
A Quality Management System (QMS) is a formalized system documenting processes, procedures, and responsibilities for ensuring consistent delivery of high-quality products and services to the consumer. A QMS provides a framework for employees to plan...
The purpose of a quality plan is to help an organization manage its quality program effectively and efficiently. It also helps the organization maintain consistency throughout its operations. The document should be developed so that it can be easily...
Quality refers to a set of characteristics expected from products or services. It is a combination of various factors such as design, performance, reliability, safety, efficiency, effectiveness, economy and timeliness. In other words, quality means c...