November's Feng Shui and the 2024 zodiac forecast

Dear healer friends,October has been a difficult month for many people because of the strong conflicting energy and a lunar eclipse. According to the Chinese date selection, a lunar eclipse is not an auspicious time because of the increased darkness....

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Nov 01, 2023
Happy Moon Festival!

Dear healer friends,Happy Mid-Autumn Moon Festival! The full moon is larger than usual this moon festival because it is closer to Earth this month. It is pretty rare that a "supermoon" happens on the same day as the moon festival. We are all affected...

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Sep 29, 2023
September Monthly & 2024 Year of the Dragon Feng Shui

Dear healer friends,We are starting to look into the Feng Shui of 2024. Find the auspicious and inauspicious directions and get ready for the Year of the Dragon.The signs of the Dragon and Dog are greatly impacted by the Tai Sui of 2024.It could mean...

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Sep 03, 2023
July's Flying Star Feng Shui

Dear healer friends,Happy July! Mid-year seems like a good time to change your routine, take a break, or pick up a new hobby. Kids are off school and many grown-ups have extended weekends during this season. You might have a more flexible schedule a...

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Jul 01, 2023
June Feng Shui and reflecting the first half of 2023

Dear healer friends,It is almost June, and we are almost halfway through 2023. There are a lot of projects I like to finish or at least get started but did not happen. It is time to review and re-adjust our goals set at the beginning of the year. In...

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May 31, 2023
April's Monthly Flying Star Feng Shui

Dear friends,Below are our recent YouTube videos. April's Feng Shui blog is also updated on our website ( if you prefer reading. The best direction this month is West. South and Center are also very auspicious. Spending more tim...

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Apr 02, 2023
March 2023 Flying Star Feng Shui

Dear healer friends,Some people are confused about the starting date of each Feng Shui month. The monthly Feng Shui is based on the 24 "Jie Qi" (Solar terms). The starting and ending date is typically around the 4th, 5th, or 6th of the month on a wes...

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Mar 02, 2023