Happy Lantern Festival! March Flying Star Feng Shui

Feb 25, 2024 1:49 am


Dear healer friends,

The Lantern Festival (Feb. 24) marks the end of the 15-day Lunar New Year celebration. It is also the first full moon of the lunar 2024 year. I hope you spend quality time with family and friends, with plenty of good food to share.

The lunar new year is an opportunity to make New Year resolutions again or modify the ones you made a month ago. Choosing a direction and taking action is more important than planning. Your plan does not have to be perfect. We all learn from mistakes and find our unique path through trial and error. Just keep trying one small step at a time. You will be far ahead of people who have never started.

Feng Shui, I-Ching, and other divination methods can boost your confidence and increase your chances of success. We try to be in tune with the universe and take advantage of the high energy time and space. It is not an exact science, but you will feel it when you align with the world. Everything seems effortless.


The March 2024 Flying Star Feng Shui is updated on our blog:


And here is the March Feng Shui YouTube video link: https://youtu.be/aarK7QfhzUE

The best direction in March is Southwest, and the second best is the North. Spend more time in these directions to activate luck.

The 2024 Feng Shui Planner and Calendar link:


Thank you so much for being part of the Picturehealer community.

Happy Lantern Festival, and have a wonderful Dragon Year!


