The Book Bundle Winner and Fun Door Prizes for All

One Winner . . . But Everybody Wins Something!Greetings, Thanks for entering our first-ever Book Bundle Giveaway. There was one grand-prize winner, who will soon be receiving our nine awesome novels, along with the link to easily download every study...

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Sep 05, 2024
Enter to Win This Amazing Back to School Book Bundle

This is it! The giveaway of the year!We can't wait to tell you all about our amazing book bundle giveaway and how you can enter, but first . . . a word from our New Classics founder.-------------Twenty-five years ago as a Christian parent, I was alwa...

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Aug 21, 2024
Guardians of Time Book Launch and a Giveaway

It's a Giveaway!You are in for a treat this week, New Classics Subscribers! Phyllis Wheeler is celebrating her book launch. She's here to tell you all about it.--------I am so excited to share news of my latest book! Search for the Hidden Throne, Boo...

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Aug 07, 2024
Free Dragon Coloring Page

Summer is in full swing!New Classics is excited to feature author Kandi Wyatt in our July update. She attended the Oregon Homeschool Convention. Don't you just love her booth? Dragons everywhere you look!🐲🐲🐲I had a wonderful time at OCEANetwork in Al...

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Jul 24, 2024
What's Up with Author Rob Currie?

Greetings, New Classics Followers!This month, New Classics Study Guides caught up with author Rob Currie (Hunger Winter) to find out what he's working on these days. Here's Rob with his answers!WHAT ARE YOU EXCITED ABOUT RIGHT NOW?I get excited by th...

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Jul 10, 2024