When you encounter poor customer service, you can be certain that staff morale and well-being are also low. Customer service quality is a direct reflection of executive principles and their business model. Poor service does not bode w...
When you encounter poor customer service, you can be certain that staff morale and well-being are also low. Customer service quality is a direct reflection of executive principles and their business model. Poor service does not bode w...
We have been delivering Mental Health First Aid training to some exceptionally hardworking teams in the Construction, Renewable Energy and Food & Drink sectors. Whether building houses, managing wind or fish fa...
Creatives at Work The creative industries have taken a massive knock these past years and the pain looks to continue. Funding cuts and the budget constraints of clients has resulted in ‘creative...
Do you feel psychologically safe at work, able to speak up, give feedback, make suggestions, express opinions, all while being your authentic self and feeling valued and respected for it? This might sound like an urban myth to some, b...
We are in the privileged position at MHScot to be party to many insightful discussions around workplace wellbeing. We talk with employers and employees from many sectors of the economy and at all levels, about their experiences of intr...
I often hear the words ‘mental health bandwagon’ from people who are annoyed at the level of emphasis being put on mental health. They express wonder at why we, ‘can’t just get on with it’ and that, ‘we didn’t have all this palaver in...
I came across a social media post the other day that reminded me of why I am drawn to work within the third sector and had veered away from the profit and growth focussed private sector. Jess Phillips (Labour MP for Birmingham) gave a...
32% Of workplace stress is caused by poor management style according to a report published by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development in Scotland. This concerning statistic has caused us to reflect on the impact that a man...