Managers are telling us that people are falling out lately, over a whole raft of social and political viewpoints. It seems that in the last few years, we have forgotten how to be civil or have meaningful debate. Simp...
Managers are telling us that people are falling out lately, over a whole raft of social and political viewpoints. It seems that in the last few years, we have forgotten how to be civil or have meaningful debate. Simp...
Remember when you started work for the first time? Do you remember how it felt and who helped you get up to speed? On leaving school, my first job was as a clerk in a building society in Johannesburg. I was inducted into a bustling,...
Modern workplaces are increasingly prioritising employee wellbeing, with many organisations recognising the need to address rising stress and burnout levels, particularly in the post-pandemic era. As companies shift their focus to ment...
Championing diversity in the workplace is both rewarding and necessary for getting the best out of people and developing a resilient and collaborative mindset. The challenge is finding that sustainable, happy balanc...
If I enter a workplace and hear no easy conversation or laughter, I become concerned about the organisational culture. Although we may need quiet to concentrate, chit-chat, banter, and the occasional giggle indicate...
The common plight of working people today, is the struggle with unmanageable workloads, severe time pressures and being pulled in too many directions. We seem to have little control over our workloads either at home...
Everyone I speak to lately seems to be tired and worn out. Tired of the excessive workloads caused by staff shortages; tired of being afraid to voice an opinion, tired of being unable to use their initiative to effe...
Nowadays, we live in a rapidly evolving business world, so it’s no secret that the health and wellbeing of employees are paramount to success. Recent statistics from CIPD have shed light on a concerning rise in absenteeism amongst UK e...
Self-stigma can be a stubborn hurdle for people to overcome when living with or recovering from poor mental health. Many of us are aware of the negative effects of stigma but tend to believe it comes solely from outside sources rather...
There has been discussion lately around redefining the term 'soft skills' to avoid gender implications and promote better recognition of their value in the workplace. Having personal experience working with people who have these abilit...