What Your Father Didn't Teach You About ShavingWangssolid Adjustable Razor Review – An Interesting Design But Is There A Fatal Flaw?I’m a sucker for adjustable safety razors. So when an inexpensive adjustable razor with some interesting design elemen...
What Your Father Didn't Teach You About ShavingThe Best Safety Razor For Beginners To Experts?What’s the best safety razor? It depends on what you are looking for. I just finished an in-depth update (over 6000 words, but don't worry there's a summary...
What Your Father Didn't Teach You About ShavingGoodfellas' Smile Syntesi DE RazorThe Goodfellas’ Smile Syntesi safety razor has been some making waves in the wet shaving community, and with good reason. This Italian-made razor boasts an interesting d...
What Your Father Didn't Teach You About ShavingFinal Days - Castle Forbes Discount!Castle Forbes is offering a limited-time discount just for Sharpologist readers! Take 20% off purchases made from the Castle Forbes website, www.castleforbes.com, with...
What Your Father Didn't Teach You About ShavingReminder - Castle Forbes Discount!Castle Forbes is offering a limited-time discount just for Sharpologist readers! Take 20% off purchases made from the Castle Forbes website, www.castleforbes.com, with c...
What Your Father Didn't Teach You About ShavingReminder - Castle Forbes Discount!Castle Forbes is offering a limited-time discount just for Sharpologist readers! Take 20% off purchases made from the Castle Forbes website, www.castleforbes.com, with c...
What Your Father Didn't Teach You About ShavingCastle Forbes Discount!Castle Forbes is offering a limited-time discount just for Sharpologist readers! Take 20% off purchases made from the Castle Forbes website, www.castleforbes.com, with coupon code...
What Your Father Didn't Teach You About ShavingSupply's Disposable SE RazorI recently wrote about the TSA policy on travelling with a safety razor in carry-on luggage on passenger aircraft in the US. I think it’s safe to say that the wisdom of t...
What Your Father Didn't Teach You About ShavingEmail Sponsor:Open Comb Vs. Closed Comb (Safety Bar)Open comb and closed comb safety razors each have unique designs, characteristics, pros, and cons that cater to different shaving needs. By unders...
What Your Father Didn't Teach You About ShavingNewsletter Sponsor:Shaving Videos Return!After a long hiatus, I'm making shaving videos again! I recently uploaded two videos:The Hidden Science Of Safety Razor Design (as a compliment to a recent blog...