Sunday Stir #39 - Too Much Knowledge, Unrefuted BS, Crypto

Sep 26, 2021 11:01 pm

Happy Sunday! This is a shorter episode with little commentary. Just some interested ideas worth chewing on.

Alrighty, on to the Stir!

The World of Unrefuted Bullsh*t

Brandolini's Law (aka the Bullshit Asymmetry Principle): It takes a lot more energy to refute bullshit than to produce it. Hence, the world is full of unrefuted bullshit.

The World of Too Much Knowledge

The Curse of Knowledge: The more familiar you become with an idea the worse you become at explaining it to others, because you forget what it's like to not know it, and therefore what needs to be explained to understand it. The key is to be able to break down an idea so a 5th grader could understand.

The World of Crypto

Recently, I've become very interested in Bitcoin, blockchain, and the larger world of Crypto. I may do a more in-depth episode one day soon. For now, here's some interesting tweets.

Crypto may look like a speculative casino from the outside. But that distracts many from the deeper truth: the casino is a trojan horse with a new financial system hidden inside. /source

Thinking you’re late to crypto is like thinking you’re late to the internet in December 1999. /source

There will be as many viable crypto assets as there are online communities. /source

The World of Wisdom

“Lies travel faster than the truth.” - Tommy Shelby

End Note

If you've enjoyed the Sunday Stir, I'd love it if you shared it with a friend or two. You can send them here to sign up. I hope you're enjoyed this episode.

Live free,

