Sunday Stir #13 - Dating Apps, Attraction, Emotions, Moderation
Feb 22, 2021 5:46 am
Happy Sunday! We're already almost 2 full months into 2021. Time is flying. I've got plans to release several full length book notes in the next few weeks. Notes from books like The Way of the Superior Man, 50th Law, and The Honest Truth of Dishonesty. I'm planning on releasing a more consistent stream of book notes this year. The whole point of the books notes is so I retain and apply the knowledge gained from the reading, but another added benefit is it makes it easy for you to skim through and decide if you want to read it too.
Alrighty, on to the Stir!
The World of Masculine and Feminine
I've got another excerpt today from The Way of the Superior Man and this one I think is going to hit home for the men.
If you are like most men, you probably aren't too fond of feminine bad moods and hysterical emotions. You may find yourself wondering, why is she so complicated? What's her problem? You may find yourself saying, "Just calm down and take it easy." The feminine bad mood is so foreign and dark to you that you may actually find it somewhat repulsive.
And when your woman really goes wild, a part of you is afraid of the damage she might do. Her emotions are so much more wild and less predictable than yours that you'd rather not be around them.
Basically, most men are afraid of, or disgusted by, feminine emotions.
That's why you try to fix them or escape from them. "I'll come back later when you can act like a reasonable human being," you might say.
One of the deepest feminine pleasures is when a man stands full, present, and unreactive in the midst of his woman's emotional storms. When he stays present with her, and loves her through the layers of wildness and closure, then she feels his trustability, and she can relax.
The whole point of this section is to highlight how "superior" men learn to roll with the emotions of a woman instead of running away from them. It's very hard in the moment not to want to run away from an explosive argument, but being able to stay calm, loving, and "weather the storm" of her emotions creates a feeling of trust and stability for your wife.
The World of Beauty
Back in the day Okcupid had a blog that analyzed all of the data they were collecting on people's profiles, interactions, messages received, etc. They found some really really interesting stuff about people's profiles and attractiveness. This blog would have definitely been "canceled" in today's climate. Luckily, someone used the wayback machine to pull up some of these old blogs. The Mathematics of Beauty, "investigates female attractiveness, but without the usual photo analysis stuff. Instead, we look past a woman's picture, into the reaction she creates in the reptile mind of the human male."
Among the remarkable things we'll show:
>that the more men as a group disagree about a woman's looks, the more they end up liking her
>guys tend to ignore girls who are merely cute
>having some men think she's ugly actually work in woman's favor
The theory around why cute girls get ignored is that they might appear to be more in-demand than they actually are. Whereas, if a man suspects that other men are uninterested in a particular woman, it means less competition. The perception is that they have a greater chance of making contact with a woman who has less messages coming in.
The big finding of their study was that a woman that is perceived to be either ugly or hot (no in-between opinions), gets the most messages from men.
So what's the takeaway? Take whatever you think some people don't like—and play it up. Show off what makes you different, and who cares if some people don't like it.
The World of Alcohol Consumption
How much alcohol do you drink a week on average? Do you drink a glass of wine every night? Think you drink a lot? This chart will tell you.
Do you drink a glass of wine with dinner every night? That puts you in the top 30 percent of American adults in terms of per-capita alcohol consumption. If you drink two glasses, that would put you in the top 20 percent. But in order to break into the top 10 percent of American drinkers, you would need to drink more than two bottles of wine with every dinner. And you'd still be below-average among those top 10 percenters. The top 10 percent of American drinkers - 24 million adults over age 18 - consume, on average, 74 alcoholic drinks per week. That works out to a little more than four-and-a-half 750 ml bottles of Jack Daniels, 18 bottles of wine, or three 24-can cases of beer. In one week. Or, if you prefer, 10 drinks per day.
It's absolutely unfathomable that someone could have 10 drinks a day. I would be hammered. There's some people out there that have significant drinking problems.
According to this chart, I hover around the top 30%. I know this because I track it in an app called Less. Over the past year with the pandemic and being at home a lot, I started drinking more just because it was something to do. One of my new years resolutions was to drink less. It's not abstinence. It's moderation, which I'm all about.
The World of Wisdom
On the topic of alcohol....
Whiskey is good proofing water. It tells you who’s real and who isn’t. - Tommy Shelby, Peaky Blinders
Getting someone tipsy is a great way to get to know the real person. It's hard to pretend when you are inebriated.
End Note
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