Sunday Stir #25 - Physics, Big Trees, Hummingbirds, Art, Nature
May 24, 2021 6:30 am
Happy Sunday! Entertaining stuff is this week's theme. Haven't had the time this past week to find interesting articles or book notes but I have some seen some really cool videos and images. Also next week, the Stir won't be sent as I'll be in the desert somewhere with no service.
Alrighty on to the Stir!
The World of Physics
Apparently there's certain fluids that can pour themselves out and it's called the "open channel siphon effect." Take a look at this video to see it in action. I had no idea this was a thing.
The World of Trees
Tule Tree in Mexico has the widest trunk of any tree in the world and is an estimated 6000 years old. It honestly looks like it's like 7 trees merger together to me.
The World of Hummingbirds
This hummingbird was captured in slow motion. When you see it, it's hard to believe it actually is slow motion.
The World of Art
« Breathe » by David Ambarzumjan
The wild is where we find peace. Cities have some great things to offer but there's nothing like the tranquility of nature to nourish our souls.
The World of Proverbs
“Wilderness is a necessity… there must be places for human beings to satisfy their souls…” - John Muir
End Note
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