Sunday Stir #45 - Things You Didn't Know Your iPhone Could Do
Nov 15, 2021 4:31 am
Happy Sunday! At the behest of fellow Stir subscriber, this episode is going to be about things you didn't know you should be doing with your iPhone. If you don't have any iPhone, then you'll just have to scroll to the Wisdom section at the bottom.
On to the Stir!
Tip #1 - Setting up medical ID and emergency contact
It’s worth filling out the Medical ID section in the Health app, even if you don't use it. The details you enter here, such as your allergies and contact information for emergencies, will appear on the lock screen when someone clicks on the dialer’s Emergency link. In other words, anyone who picks up your phone can access this information. So, if you're unconscious or something, someone could contact your emergency contact without having to get the number from you. Also helpful for paramedics to see if you're allergic to a particular medication.
To find your Medical ID, enter the Settings app, find Health, tap Medical ID, and hit Edit. Then plug in whatever information you’d like. If you want to make sure people can it, toggle the Show When Locked switch to “on.”
Tip # 2 Use the swipe keyboard
You can swipe on your keyboard instead of tapping to text. It's WAAAY faster. You simply swipe your finger over each letter in the word. Try it out! It takes some time to get used to it and you'll find yourself reverting back to tapping halfway through a sentence. But eventually it sticks and it's hard to go back to tapping every letter.
Tip #3 - Using the spacebar as a mouse
You're typing along and want to move the cursor up and change something you wrote. You could tap the screen, but sometimes it's hard to get to the exact spot you need to edit. Tap and hold down on the spacebar and the cursor turns into a mouse. You can move the cursor whenever you want as you drag your thumb tip around. Drop the cursor where need and there you go!
Tip #4 - Double tap spacebar to add a period
Instead of hitting the 123 button to see the period, you can just double tap the spacebar and it will make a period.
The World of Wisdom
Most of what humans desire is imitative, not intrinsic. We want what other people want because other people want it.
End Note
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