Sunday Stir #15 - Ammo Shortages, Vaccine Eligibility, French Words

Mar 08, 2021 6:48 am

Happy Sunday! I posted my notes on The Way of the Superior Man. It's super long! Hard for me to cut down on everything I recorded from it. Sometimes you just need the whole passage to make it really sink in. You can scroll and search by headings for particular topics that interest you.

On to the Stir!


The World of Ammo Shortages

What’s behind the ammo shortage in the US? Record numbers of people are buying guns and ammo due to the sh*t storm of 2020 - civil unrest, riots, pandemic, and uncertainty about the future.

What are the numbers?

  • 8 million new gun owners within the past year.
  • 1 million new hunters
  • New owners are highly active and using their ammo

Ok so a lot more people are buying guns and ammo, that's just one factor. The other has to do with scarcity. It's similar to the toilet paper fiasco. When you don't know if there's going to be more, you stockpile. And when everyone does that, it creates shortages.

Typical consumer behavior is buying in bulk when things get scarce which is why if you see three boxes on the shelf now, you would just buy all three when normally you would have bought just one.

Manufacturers are doing what they can to keep up but this problem is likely to continue for awhile and possibly several years.

The World of COVID Vaccines

Curious about when you'll be eligible to get the vaccine? If you live in NC (most of you do), you can use this website to find your group.

The World of Word Origins

Ever wonder where the word "mayday" came from? As with many things in English, it actually comes from French, specifically the word "m’aidez" which means "to help".

The World of Wisdom

Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.

Move on. Every day is a new life to a wise man.

End Note

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Live free,

