Sunday Stir #47 - Pollution, Personal Growth, Materialism
Nov 29, 2021 4:01 am
Happy Sunday! I've got something I want you to think about this week: How would your priorities and decisions change if you could never retire? Would you continue down the path you're headed?
Alrighty, on to the Stir!
The World of Pollution
What are the most polluted cities in the world?
In 2020, India had 46 of the 100 world's most polluted cities, followed by China (42), Pakistan (6), Bangladesh (4), Indonesia (1), and Thailand (1), according to air quality tracker IQAir.
Nine out of the top 10 most polluted cities are in India. #1 polluted city in the world goes to Hotan, in western China’s Xinjiang province. It had the worst average air quality with 110.2 pm.
The World of Personal Growth
All of us have areas we want to invest more time and energy into and distractions that we want to minimize. It's easy to use the excuse that we don't have enough time but the truth is we just have to make the time for important things in our lives. Use this website - to calculate how much time you spend on distractions (Youtube, TV, gaming) vs investments (working out, spending time with family, exploring nature).
It shows you a list of things you could with the time you normally spend on distractions and it's crazy how much you can accomplish. We all need down time and it's not to say that all of those distractions are bad, it's just when they're done in excess. Take back control of your time and do what you really want to do with it.
The World of Wisdom
As fathers let us remember:
- Memories are better than money
- Presence is better than presents
- Listening is better than luxury
- Wisdom is better than wealth
- Family is better than fortune
- Caring is better than cash
End Note
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