Sunday Stir #36 - Jobs, Obesity, Wealth

Sep 06, 2021 5:09 am

Happy Sunday! I've got a wide range of topics today - US job market, obesity, and flexing with your money to show your status. Learned a lot of new things this week so hopefully in the next few episodes I'll condense those so I can share them here.

Alrighty, on to the Stir!

The World of Jobs

Millions of people are out of work in the US and millions of jobs are open and waiting to be filled.

Look at these statistics:

  • In April, more than 4 million employees quit their jobs, another 4 million did in June.
  • 56% of Gen Z workers said they were unhappy with the work-life balance at their job.
  • More than 9 million open positions exist.
  • 66% of Gen Z & 73% of millennials say they will switch jobs to get more control.
  • More than 60% of both groups want to find new jobs for a chance to work remotely.
  • Search for remote jobs is up 460%

There's a huge shift right now in the job market and CBNC dubbed it the "The Great Resignation". Where are these people going to work? Not sure.

Small businesses are desperate for help.Check out these hiring signs across the country...



Places are paying people to interview...never seen that before.

The World of Obesity

A century ago, the average man in the US weighed around 155 lbs. Today, he weighs about 195 lbs.

Part of that gain can definitely be attributed to all of the huge body builder types out. But by far the biggest contributor to that gain is from obesity. We have a LOT of obese adults in the USA. If you leave the country, for at least month, you'll come back and be astounded by how many extremely large people you see. It will drop your jaw. We're desensitized to it, but take some time away and you'll be shocked by what you see.

Take a look at this chart showing the difference of just about 30 years. Obesity has doubled. This is truly an epidemic and serious public health concern that we need to fix ASAP somehow.


The World of Wisdom

"Spending money to show people how much money you have is the fastest way to have less money." - Morgan Housel

End Note

If you've enjoyed the Sunday Stir, I'd love it if you shared it with a friend or two. You can send them here to sign up. I hope you're enjoyed this episode.

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