Thought for the day

Knowing your #self is your first step to living a fulfilled, real and meaningful life.This is not complicated or only available to those who are saint or philosophers , it comes from being connected to your core ,self awareness and JUST be as you are...

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Oct 01, 2020
Mini workshop on Time Management

A mini workshop for those who struggle to manage time.In this episode you will learn with me ,how to identify time wasters and avoid it ,so that you achieve your #productivity #goals click here to watch #timemanagementtips #learnwithyourcoachHappy Le...

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Sep 28, 2020
What do you wonder about

Do you wonder ?#pause and #reflect ?Exercise curiosity to learn about your own #self !#lifecoaching #selfawarness #personalgrowth

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Sep 27, 2020
Balance your Brain

A very interesting article on balancing our brain.Not many of you may know that our Brain with over activity can create problems such as #OCD or #Anxiety , similarly, a brain that is sleeping is also unhealthy like someone with a Brain Fog.https://ww...

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Sep 22, 2020
What is a futile thought

A futile thought is when we keep thinking about many things at the same time with no goal, these are thoughts mostly beyond our control ,we jump one thought to another,get trapped into emotions and stay stuck ,eventually getting frustrated ,anxious a...

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Sep 18, 2020