Happy Wednesday, Wise Owl Nation.While giving tips on how to level up your wisdom, health, and wealth scores is important, it's also important to share powerful tools that can help you get there faster. I like to think that, on the spectrum of lazy,...
Happy Wednesday, Wise Owl Nation.Some of the best advice I ever received went completely against everything I'd been taught up to that point in my life. It was I was told the difference between absolute time and relative time.Not all minutes are crea...
Happy Wednesday, Wise Owl Nation.This week we're discussing one of my favorite topics ever-- continuous learning. Why is this such an important topic to me? It's been the one principle I have stuck with for my adult life and has dramatically improved...
Happy Wednesday, Wise Owl Nation.Woo, I kind of went off on this one. It's long, but it's good.There is a lot of value in this week's newsletter if you take the time to read it. This week we are going to talk about risk management in several situatio...
Happy Wednesday, Wise Owl Nation.We live in strange times.COVID might be a continuous problemInflation of the US Dollar feels an inevitabilityPeople are scared, angry, and illogicalBut this newsletter isn't about all that bullshit. This is a newslett...
Happy Wednesday, Wise Owl Nation.I am writing this week's issue from my cell phone, so expect a lot less words in this issue.Why write from my phone?Well my internet has been out for over 30 hours now.It's apparently a neighborhood wide outage, and m...
Happy Wednesday, Wise Owl Nation.Before we get started I have a few updates.The referral rewards section received a makeover and looks incredible.All referrers now have their own page to track their progress.You can find it now at the bottom of every...
Happy Wednesday, Wise Owl Nation.This week I want to write about willpower. What is will? Will is our internal power. The source we call on when things go wrong or get difficult.Will is the force that pushes you to get back up when you've been knocke...
Happy Wednesday, Wise Owl Nation.Today I want to talk about failure.For the most part, many of us have poor relationships with failure.We are scared of it. Scared of the shame of having to admit we failed or made a mistake.Failure can be an intense t...
Happy Wednesday, Wise Owl Nation.It's a new week and I have started a new routine. I do this from time to time to shock my system and to trial and error concepts. Doing this helps me become more self-aware.For example, if I want to exercise at all du...