Homemade or catered party food?

Oh hey there!Do you enjoy pottering about in the kitchen? Batch cooking delicious recipes? Or would you rather stick a needle in your eye than cook dinner? Do you just scrape out the bare minimum in the kitchen?Either of these is totally valid and ma...

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Aug 11, 2024
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows

Hellooooo there!Welcome to this weeks colourful email from Print Quirks! When you plan a party, are you a themed party kinda Mumma or more of a laidback party planner? Wherever you sit on the party theme spectrum, one way to easily bring your party t...

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Aug 04, 2024
Park Party MUST Haves

Hey there Mumma bears,How are you today? I hope you've had a fabulous week and there is something to look forward to in the upcoming week...Have you ever hosted or attended a party at the park? I have both hosted and attended many over the years for...

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Jul 28, 2024
Nothing says I love you like an experience gift

Hiya!Do you enjoy seeking out the perfect gift for that special someone or is it an absolute chore for you? My main love language is gifts and for me, that's about the effort someone goes to to find the perfect gift. The perfect gift might be a bunch...

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Jul 21, 2024
But I just HAVE to invite them

Oh hi,Today I am coming to you in a blissed out state, midway through our holiday that will be half spent in tropical climbs and the remainder will be hanging with family we rarely get to see as they live far away.Now, the opposite to feeling blissed...

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Jul 14, 2024
The magical wonderland of op shops

Hi there,Are you a fan of op shops? Charity shops? Thrift shops? Call them what you will, second hand shops are an absolute treasure trove!The thing I love about having a poke around an op shop - you never know what you might unearth! The perfect pai...

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Jul 08, 2024
Everyone's a Winner!

Well hello there,I hope this email finds you well! This week I am talking about party entertainment and specifically, party games!Do you remember the old school party games we used to play? Musical chairs, blind man's bluff, scavenger hunt, musical s...

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Jun 30, 2024
But It's Just A Few Balloons Right?!

Oh hey there!Winter has definitely set in where I live - we've had a number of big thunder storms and heavy rain events. I am thankful for this though as the weather has been so dry this year until now, we really need the rain. Our planet and our cli...

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Jun 10, 2024