Homemade or catered party food?

Aug 11, 2024 4:25 am

Oh hey there!

Do you enjoy pottering about in the kitchen? Batch cooking delicious recipes? Or would you rather stick a needle in your eye than cook dinner? Do you just scrape out the bare minimum in the kitchen?

Either of these is totally valid and many people will fall somewhere between these two extremes. I quite like cooking, however I do get sick and tired of the daily dinner production chore sometimes. I prefer cooking when I have time, I am alone in the kitchen and I can do things exactly how I want to!

When it comes to my kids birthday parties, I do tend to bake homemade party food, including the birthday cake. It's something I enjoy doing for my kids and I am not too bad at it, if I do say so myself...

But which is better, homemade or catered, from an environmental perspective? Well, it really depends. And to be perfectly honest, you can do EITHER in an eco aware way!


So, if you love cooking and baking, you can choose to purchase your ingredients packaging free from your local weigh and pay store. You can choose to use ingredients like fruit and veges that already come packaging free. Many ways to reduce your party waste with home catering.

However, if cooking just ain't your thing - you can also choose responsibly when purchasing catering. For example, you can support your local bakery and bring your own containers for your purchases. If you forget your containers, often bakeries package up large orders in paper or cardboard packaging which can then be recycled. Supporting local providers also reduces travel emissions when collecting your party food orders.

Don't feel like you HAVE to homebake everything if cooking really doesn't appeal to you. By the same token, if you love cooking but the week leading up to the party is CRAZY busy, its ok to outsource some of the party food. Flexibility and choosing to be imperfectly eco is OK!

Hit reply and tell me, are you a cooking maestro or do you prefer to leave the cooking to somebody else?

Bye for now,


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