You can make a MEMORY BOX this week!

Short for time? Here's this week's new therapeutic art video!It's important to remember those who've gone before us.Hey , who are you remembering today? (Seriously, I'd love to know! Hit "reply" and tell me <3) Finding healthy, meaningful ways to...

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Jul 24, 2023
Heeeere's Homemade Scratch Art!

Hey there, , have you ever made your own scratch art board? It's super easy!!That top part where you scratch off is simply a mix of equal parts dish soap and black acrylic paint (I know, mind blown!).In this week's video, I'll show you the whole proc...

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Jul 17, 2023
You are NOT your emotions (this is a hard one!)

Short for time? Here's this week's new therapeutic art video!YOU ARE NOT YOUR EMOTIONS.Hey , I don't know about you, but I've definitely struggled with this concept, particularly when it comes to grief.That's because when grief is all you've known fo...

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Jul 10, 2023
People go through seasons too + FREE PDF Template

Short for time? Here's this week's new therapeutic art video!Hey , did you know that people go through seasons, too?Emotional seasons can actually mirror nature's seasons. It's just that our seasons aren't all that straightforward. You might recogniz...

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Jul 03, 2023
A different kind of Father's Day...

Hello, ,No matter how you celebrated Father's Day, I know that many of us have someone missing at the table. A dad. A brother. A grandfather. An uncle. A close friend. You're not alone.I lost my dad when I was 12 years old, and it changed my life for...

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Jun 19, 2023
Why am I STILL grieving??

Hello, !Have you ever wondered:Wait, am I grieving?And then thought, WHY am I STILL grieving?? I've been there.It may be months, or even years since your loss, and yet grief remains much longer than we're willing to admit. If we try to rush through o...

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Jun 12, 2023
Your FUN Summer Art Tutorial Playlist

Hey , it's finally summertime!!I thought I'd take a week off from the therapeutic art stuff and send you something FUN to help kick off the summer! Woot! One of my favorite fun tutorials is this one on how to make a cute calligraphy quote like this o...

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Jun 05, 2023
Embrace the RAINBOW

Good morning, !At least, it's morning over here - I'm fitting in a quick email before my kid wakes up. I'm here to tell you that the next free therapeutic art video is up on YouTube! We're talking about COLOR as a way to talk about our emotions. Shor...

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May 30, 2023
Meet my toddler and first FREE video available!

Short for time? Here's the link to the FREE tutorial.Hey there, !It's been a while. My goodness, did motherhood hit me like a ton of bricks. But we made it - and are in full-blown toddler world over here. I just wanted to let you know I'm here and I'...

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May 26, 2023