Emo Emma & Preacher Danica

Aug 21, 2023 1:06 pm

Hey , I've got TWO new videos to share with you this week!

After meeting me and hearing what I do, MOST people tell me:

"Oh, I'm not an artist. I can do stick figures, that's it."

That's why I created this super quick (6 min.) and fun video about why art works for grief recovery. I even used stick figures for my graphics.


You'll also get to meet my alter-ego, Emo Emma. She's a joy ;) haha.

Watch the video

Last week, I got to use my artwork and life story to preach on my favorite Psalm from the Bible: Psalm 139. I'm really proud of how it went and I hope it'll encourage you too, as a fellow creative.


Watch it here

Did you watch any of these videos this summer? I'd love to know!

I'm so thankful that you've been with me through this summer series. It's been a labor of love and such joy to go through these videos and release them to the general public.

Make sure you hit the YouTube subscribe button! I'm figuring out what I want to focus on next and I don't want you to miss it.

Visit YouTube

Thanks for hanging in there with me. It's been quite a ride!


Danica Thurber
