10 FREE Therapeutic Art Projects

Aug 07, 2023 1:11 pm

Short for time? Here's a link to the full FREE playlist.

Hey there, ! Since May, I've been releasing one therapeutic art video each week on YouTube. I called this endeavor PROJECT GRIEF.

Project Grief was a series of 10 therapeutic art videos I created for grief / loss. I originally released them as a paid-only course. But this year I decided that it was time to let it go - as a FREE gift! Here's a few of my favorites:


View full playlist on YouTube

Did you try any videos this summer? I'd love to know!

I'm so thankful that you've been with me through this summer series. It's been a labor of love and such joy to go through these videos and release them to the general public.

I invite you to make something with me! Chose your favorite video and let me know how it goes this week.

You can also freely share this playlist with friends and family that you think might also benefit.

Visit YouTube

Make sure you hit the YouTube subscribe button! I'm figuring out what I want to focus on next and I don't want you to miss it.

Thanks for hanging in there with me. It's been quite a ride!

