If my information is right, tomorrow is Spring! I don’t know why I look forward to it so much. I’m allergic to everything that blooms and seeds and pollinates. Well, not everything, but it seems like it. My front yard-- WHAT’S NEW ***...
Hi everyone! Are you keeping warm? We’re having a cold snap here in E TN, but we’ll warm up by the weekend and the recent snow will be gone. WHAT’S NEW***Daffodil blooms? Oops, no, snow. But the daffs are there, they’re coming. I took the...
[BE SURE TO SEE THE GIVEAWAY BELOW!]SO FAR, SO GOOD THIS YEAR, HEALTH WISEOn January 17, last year, I was admitted to the hospital from the ER and spent 4 days there beginning to get well. It took until November, so I expect that, in that aspec...
I've just realized I left a box checked that I should have unchecked. My December newsletter went to less than half of my subscribers. I'm sending this to all of you. If you would like to get my December news and didn't (and it isn't in the Trash or...
My 2024 EOY wrap up THIS YEAR IN REVIEW I looked back over what I’ve accomplished, writing-wise, and it doesn’t look that bad. I didn’t have any brand new novels come out, but I did pretty well with short stories, and even publi...