Dear Readers and Friends,You know that feeling when you step away from your life for a bit, expecting to return refreshed and full of inspiration, only to come home and realize… you left a total mess behind? Yeah. That’s me. But instead of a pile of...
Dear Readers and Friends,You know that feeling when you step away from your life for a bit, expecting to return refreshed and full of inspiration, only to come home and realize… you left a total mess behind? Yeah. That’s me. But instead of a pile of...
Dear Readers and Friends,I’ve managed to find a little time (and a decent Wi-Fi signal), so I thought I’d send a quick update from Europe. Right now, we’re exploring Portugal in a camper van, which has been incredible. Next, we're on our way to Spain...
Dear Readers and Friends,I know, I know... I just told you a few weeks ago that you wouldn’t hear from me until December, but guess what? I was wrong. Some news is just too good not to share—even if I’m currently writing this from a cruise ship somew...
Dear Readers and Friends,Hello again!I really want to thank all of you who responded to my last email. I needed advice about Kindle Vella, and you came through. Your replies were pretty overwhelming in agreement that Kindle Vella is NOT everyone's fa...
Dear Readers and Friends,Hello again! Another month has flown by, and I can't believe that summer is almost over. Bright side? I love autumn. (And I have a big trip to Europe planned, but that's a different kind of story.)New Release: Death's Scythe...
Hi! Charlotte's Back!(By Popular Demand.)Greetings, My Dearest Friends,It is I, Charlotte the Spider, spinning tales from my cozy web once again, after a year and a half away. I hope this message finds you surrounded by mountains of books and weaving...
Hi! I'm Charlotte. Maybe you've heard of me?As Charlotte the Spider, I've always been a fan of words. Spinning my web and capturing insects is one thing, but there's something truly magical about the way words can be strung together to create stories...
Hi Again!How do you prefer to read books?Paperback, ebook, audiobook?Also, where do you get most your books?Library, Freebies, Kindle Unlimited, other?(Hit reply and let me know.)I just started publishing and don't know how I want to reach romance lo...
Hi Again!How do you prefer to read books?Paperback, ebook, audiobook?Also, where do you get most your books?Library, Freebies, Kindle Unlimited, other?(Hit reply and let me know.)I just started publishing and don't know how I want to reach romance lo...