Hi I felt guided this week to record a mini reading for you.I hope you enjoy.Just click the link below (it's in video format)Soul Message Email 15102024.mp4Big Hugs for a Beautiful Week Ahead, remember you are only this present moment and you are alw...
Hi Thankyou so much for joining me on this 30 day adventure. I feel so grateful that you chose to challenge yourself, to be 1% better.As discussed on our last Zoom Session, if you are interested in the self study Soul Map Program (7 months - 1 sessio...
Hi https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7688813710Password 123456[same zoom link as last week]Big HugsRose
Hi Excited to let you know that I have put the next lesson into your Samcart folder. Can you believe that you have been on your personal 30 day challenge and this is your last lesson ? I hope you have started to really understand that you are and alw...
Hi Are you up for your next challenge?Challenge:Think of a recent setback or challenge you faced. Reflect on how you handled it and what you learned from it. Now, choose one small step you can take today to "bounce back" from that experience. This co...
Hi Excited to let you know that I have put the next lesson into your Samcart folder.It is under the video section. Remember this is the only section that you need to go over for the challenge. The other sections are nice to have and can be watched or...
Hi Too many of us feel embarrassed when we make mistakes. We worry about being judged or having a stigma attached to who we are, but what if I told you that mistakes aren’t just normal—they’re necessary?In my latest blog, I dive into how we are all...
Hi https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7688813710Password 123456[same zoom link as last week]Big HugsRose
Hi Are you up for your next challenge?Challenge: Pay attention to your self-talk today. Each time you catch yourself thinking “I can’t do this,” add the word “yet” to the end of the sentence. For example, “I’m not good at saying what my opinion is… y...
Hi Excited to let you know that I have put the next lesson into your Samcart folder.It is under the video section. Remember this is the only section that you need to go over for the challenge. The other sections are nice to have and can be watched or...