Good news on a short story and waiting for a 5th

Oct 01, 2023 3:54 pm

You may ask: Waiting for a 5th of what? I'll get to that.

I'm happy to report that I sold a short story in September. The editor responded to my submission by writing back to say it was a "fantastic" story. Naturally, I had to agree. He probably says that about every story that's accepted, but I still appreciated it. I'm not sure when the magazine with the story will issue, but I think it will be after the first of the year. I'll let you know and include a link to the magazine so you can consider purchasing it in digital or hard copy.

Yesterday was the read-through for the radio show program coming in December. It's The Christmas Story. I voice the adult Ralph as well as a few other minor characters. The radio shows are always a blast.

I finished Borneman's The French & Indian War: Deciding The Fate of North America. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was history well-told and easily followed. I used my notes from it as the source for a couple blogger posts, and anticipate a few more.

Richard Paolinelli's Phantom's Lodge is a short read. It was free on Amazon when I picked it up last week, and seems to be a prequel to a series. An heir finder finds more than he was looking for - Check it out.


While you're checking out books - here's a small selection with the theme of fictional wars -- which includes In Death Bedrenched, the prequel to my Tomahawks and Dragon Fire Series. If you want to better understand Lucette Lagardere and Ulf Thorsen, you need to read In Death Bedrenched.


In Book 6 of the series, I've been able to get back into the story and also found a place for 1500 words I had almost deleted. I wondered that perhaps it didn't move the story along and was a distraction, but I refused to delete it. I finally realized that I did need it--it was just in the wrong place. Problem solved. Here's a brief excerpt of a different section from the draft of the chapter I just finished:

Thorsen picked up the antler and drove it into the stone cat corpse, burning holes through the stony hide into the flesh beneath. With the antler in one hand and the ball of flame in the other, he advanced on the remaining stone cats.

The beasts backed away and he used his essence enhanced speed and power to hurl the sphere at the nearest monster. The stone cat reacted—but not quickly enough. The orb splatted against the beast’s side as it turned away. It went down in a screaming, scrambling fury of stony feline anguish. The death throes were brief.

Don't be dismayed at the terrible fate of the stone cat. They ain't kittens. They are entirely evil and very powerful monsters. Check out the cover of Clamorous Harbingers, Book 3 in the series, for an idea of what they look like. They are an original creation inspired by American Indian mythology. I believe the first two books are still available for 99 cents each.


Let's return to the 4th paragraph of our story from Emily H. (with minor editing from me)--There have been no submissions received yet for a 5th paragraph, so here we remain:

Revenge tore at his heart and soul as he headed to the barn. He recalled the rumors passed on by the traveling peddler about a group of rough looking men asking about him in another town. Were they the men who had taken the love of his life? He had not forgotten the vow that he would find them before he died.

Send your proposals for the 5th paragraph. I'm interested to see where this goes.

The story as it stands so far can be found here.


Honor Roll with special thanks to these subscribers:

Lois for her stunning review and heroic defense of The Shrinking Zone.

JBudd for reviews of Threading the Rude Eye, In Death Bedrenched, Power to Hurt, The Shrinking Zone, Clamorous Harbingers, Promise of Carnage and Flame, and Truth in Flames

Colleen for leaving ratings for several of my books on Amazon

Rob for leaving a review of Threading the Rude Eye

Michael for leaving reviews of Threading the Rude Eye, and The Shrinking Zone

Mayra for a review of Threading the Rude Eye

Gloria for a review of Threading the Rude Eye

ShannonC for a review of In Death Bedrenched

Jan for reviews of Threading the Rude Eye, Power to Hurt, Clamorous Harbingers, Promise of Carnage and Flame, In Death Bedrenched, The Shrinking Zone, Truth in Flames, Justice in Season, and Justice Resurgent.

Bonnie for a review of In Death Bedrenched.

PAR for a review of Threading the Rude Eye

-There are many other reviews of my books, of course, but I don't know whether those reviewers are also subscribers to this newsletter.
