New Data Collection Form Emotion Thermometers

Aug 25, 2020 4:12 pm

Dear friends & colleagues

You were recently granted permission to use the ET tool, I hope that is going well. I was asked locally to create a simple data entry form to support our local COVID19 response.

As you know many wish to complete scales/tools online rather than face-to-face.I have created a very simple entry here: . This link will ask your permission to make a copy into your local google drive (gmail might be needed) and allow administration and data collection for your patients (anonymously if needed).

In the last year 200 centres have started using the ET around the world. Please pass this email to your colleagues who might want to use the ET (they should complete for an immediate free permission letter for their institution). The scale is free for clinical use and low cost for research and has a new evidence based meta-analysis here:

Regards and best wishes // stay safe

Alex Mitchell

University of Leicester


