Riches for Witches is HERE!

Hello, Magical One! Here's my side of the deal:Here it is, your free ebook...Riches for Witches Download it onto any digital device and ENJOY.Please be mindful that this is not quite the finished will notice the Foreword still needs to...

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Jul 11, 2023
Happy Solstice!

Hello Sunshine!Wishing you a very happy Solstice, wherever you are in the world.You might be in the Northern Hemisphere like I am, enjoying the warmer rays of Midsummer and the longest day.Or if it's the cooler climes of the Southern Hemisphere for y...

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Jun 21, 2023
You're in the ARC team!

Hello!Welcome to my Riches for Witches ARC team.I'm glad you're here.Thank you for offering to review my book, due out at Lammas. I really appreciate it.It's almost in a fit state to send to you, I'm just polishing it up at the moment, formatting and...

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Jun 17, 2023
You're in the ARC team!

Hello!Welcome to my Riches for Witches ARC team.I'm glad you're here.Thank you for offering to review my book, due out at Lammas. I really appreciate it.It's almost in a fit state to send to you, I'm just polishing it up at the moment, formatting and...

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Jun 14, 2023
A Riches for Witches Pathworking

Treehouse greetings, my friend! Warmer days have finally arrived here on the Essex coast in the UK. I love to see the Swallows swooping around on my walks along the sea wall, a sure sign of summer, at last!A Pathworking for YouI've been finalising t...

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May 28, 2023