Happy Solstice!

Jun 21, 2023 2:10 pm


Hello Sunshine!

Wishing you a very happy Solstice, wherever you are in the world.

You might be in the Northern Hemisphere like I am, enjoying the warmer rays of Midsummer and the longest day.

Or if it's the cooler climes of the Southern Hemisphere for you, then it's not so warm, as the Winter Solstice heralds the 'return of the sun' journeying toward longer days again...

I don't know about you, but I love Solstice (Summer and Winter) because there's a real sense of limbo as the 'sun stands still'. I think we need to take time out and stop because it's kind of scary how the year's hurtled to this point!

So, step off the merry-go-round if you can, enjoy your celebrations and have fun. You deserve it!

Ian and I have finished all the pathworkings in Riches for Witches and are now recording the magical mantras from the book.

Here's my latest blog post Abundance Magic with the Sun

which includes the Abundance Chant...see what you think!

If you fancy it, there's still time to join the ARC team for the book: A free digital copy in exchange for a review on the day it launches.

Drop me an email and I'll add you to the list. I'll be sending it out in a couple of weeks!

Until next time, enjoy the magic of the season and take good care of yourself...

Solstice Blessings,

Sheena 💚

