You're in the ARC team!

Jun 17, 2023 1:22 pm



Welcome to my Riches for Witches ARC team.

I'm glad you're here.

Thank you for offering to review my book, due out at Lammas. I really appreciate it.

It's almost in a fit state to send to you, I'm just polishing it up at the moment, formatting and editing. It's a relentless job, but the end is in sight...nearly.

While you're waiting, I'd like to send you one of the pathworkings featured in the book (there's 11 of them).

The Sun Pathworking seems fitting for the lovely weather we're having here in the UK at the moment. All you need to do is click on the link and enjoy some solar magic from the book...

Also, if you are on Facebook, come and join my Magical Reader's Group for any updates.

But please don't worry if you're not on social media...this newsletter is my first port of call with the relevant info!

One more thing, if you haven't read The Witch Wavelength (1st book in the series) and would like to review it for me on Amazon...let me know and I'll send you a free copy of the ebook!

I'll be in touch very soon, but until then, take good care...

🌲Treehouse blessings🌲

Sheena 📚
