Imagine if you could fulfill your creative potential in this lifetime. Imagine discovering the power of transformation to change whatever you need to, within yourself, to explore your passion, work on the skills to develop that special gift and then...

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Oct 01, 2021

You’re a busy Creatress! How do you balance your time between managing and creating new material?I make a lot of to-do lists! It’s honestly pretty hard to keep up with social media, my newsletter, and e-mails while also finding time to create blog po...

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Aug 18, 2018

I met Steve back in Dec 2016 at a filming testimonial for Mark Dawson’s Self Publishing 101 course. As a result of that day in London we’ve been hovering around in the same online (student) groups ever since and I’m pleased to introduce this up and c...

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Feb 25, 2018

Been practicing? Good. Now you’re ready to meet Bear, she’s been waiting for you. If you haven’t, don’t kid yourself and don’t expect her to show up until you’ve done the work – ditched the excuses and found the time. If you really want to be self-re...

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Jan 29, 2018

Darkness is a part of life. It’s natural. Day becomes night, the seasons turn and nature takes a breather…she slows down, lies dormant for a while. She rests. Sound familiar? Of course it does, because like the earth, we feel it too, in our bodies. T...

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Jan 29, 2018

You are far braver than you think. When it all gets too much, when you find yourself battling again and again with those old enemies… doubt, uncertainty, indecision, worry and anxiety ~ the stinking disciples of fear ~ it’s time for the Warrior. The...

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Apr 26, 2017