2 Gifts, 1 Announcement

Hi FriendsMy 2 gifts are:2 free months in my accountability program. Set the goal and we track it together. I like writing so I love e-mail. It will be simple, easy and distraction free. We start Jan 21st. If you are interested, simply write back "I...

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Jan 13, 2023
Not Spotify wrapped but just as good...

Hey It’s hard to believe we’re close to mid-December, isn't it?Which in my family, means a mixture of Romanian - Japanese traditions. With time I got to the bottom of how can I manage a mix of different expectations around this time of the year and h...

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Dec 09, 2022
It's been a while and I am doing something new!

Hi!I know it has been a while.I am doing something new so I thought why not? This is as great a time to reach out as any other day... If only this e-mail would not overlap with the 100 daily e-mails that want to sell you something for Black Friday......

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Nov 24, 2022
Sample post with video

This demo site is showing blog with excerpt post and thumbnail. You can choose to show full post as well. If you don\’t want to have sidebar, there is an option to show as full width blog. Setting available in Theme Options. Bonbon macaroon jelly-o s...

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Jul 01, 2021
Sample post with blockquote

Marzipan cake sweet lollipop lemon drops cheesecake brownie cotton candy. Powder powder chocolate bar cupcake soufflé gummi bears ice cream sweet fruitcake. Sweet donut chupa chups bear claw jelly beans jelly beans croissant wafer. Halvah cotton cand...

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Jul 01, 2021
Sample post with slider

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum mattis libero vitae consectetur convallis. Proin vel faucibus leo. Cras mi dolor, condimentum vel dui vitae, condimentum fermentum turpis. Ut eget vestibulum felis. Donec lobortis to...

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Jun 01, 2021
Sample post with image aligned left

Donut sweet roll croissant. Tiramisu chocolate cake dragée cotton candy. Chocolate bar pudding jelly. Danish macaroon brownie cake croissant. Caramels donut bonbon wafer lemon drops carrot cake marzipan tiramisu. Chocolate cake liquorice gingerbread...

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Jun 01, 2021
Sample post with image aligned right

Jelly I love applicake ice cream sesame snaps cookie sweet roll. I love oat cake I love powder donut chocolate bar I love chocolate bar tiramisu. Applicake icing powder chocolate lemon drops. I love jelly caramels cheesecake. I love gummi bears jujub...

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May 01, 2021
Sample post divides into columns

Faworki oat cake gingerbread pastry apple pie wafer caramels. Wypas sweet croissant lollipop. Cotton candy gummi bears powder brownie gummies fruitcake. Marzipan sesame snaps lollipop dragée candy canes. Topping cookie bear claw. Cupcake ipsum dolor...

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May 01, 2021