Chapter two in the harrowing drama of a young man with unique skills who just wants to escape his father's past, and solve his best friend's murder.Her Place is on Royal Road now -
This has been the hardest thing I've had to do as a writer. The titles for my first two books we obvious before the first word was written for either. A title for book 3 was selected after the prologue was written. But I hated it. It sounded chintzy,...
It’s not personalActually, it kind of is. I want to spend a little digital ink letting you get to know me a bit better. Some of you have been around for four years and some of you joined the team today. So who is the demented mind behind Anuka Sandb...
I'm switchin' things up! After chatting with some of my Street Team (a.k.a. Anuka's Hoodlums) as well as some author friends, I am changing how I handle communicating with my audience. Surprisingly, the chief complaint was that I wasn't communi...
I love to buy books and I love to read books. These are separate activities. There are so many books I want to buy right now. Look at this one.Not only are her books good and wholesome fantasy, Janice is a top notch person. I love her character...
Ahhhh.... Such peace. Book 3 is off the editor for round 2: DEEP EDITS. It's grammar and pacing, scenes and sequels. All manner of things that make my head spin. I've been in the trenches with this book for a loooooog time. I need a break. ...
Well, the New York Style vanilla bean cheesecake has been eaten, the gifts have been opened, and another trip around the sun has been completed. Most importantly, we have birthday winners! I'm not comfortable naming names without permission, bu...
I'm doing my annual giveaway as my birthday present to you, my Thunder of Dragons. This year I wanted to do it a little differently. If you are one of the winners you can select someone to be the recipient of the giveaway and I'll send it directly to...
Dressed to KillWho wants to walk around as a world famous author all the time? Boring. Those who know me understand that I'm a total trophy husband. Arm candy for real. But sometimes, I like to go to weird places, with weird people, and dress w...
SNIKT!I've been hard at work chopping up Book 3 of my Dragons of Dorwine Series. The red ink looks like blood and nevermind the tear stains. I've killed many of my darlings of late :( Several lines, paragraphs and even whole scenes from Act II...