Starter Villain - Very weird little book, but the title and cover got me. More swearing that I like, but that's John Scalzi in general. This book is about a guy whose uncle was a supervillain. When he died, he left the family business to his nephew....
In Chapter 5 of The Devil on Klack Mountain Nolan visits an old friend in search for answers. Spoiler alert: it may not go as he planned...
Seasons Greetings! I have a few notes before I turn Ember loose with some story recommendations. The Soul of a Dragon is churning through the editing process. Picture me dumping my blood, sweat, and tears into a meat grinder and a book fal...
Excerpt from Dorwine – The Blood of a Dragon – CrenthysCrenthys is such a fun, complex character. She is a mess and I love it! The dream sequence was setting up things that wouldn’t be confirmed until the next book. This scene also parallels an Anuka...
Chapter 4 is out. How are you enjoying the series? How is the pace? I want to this story to move along quickly, but I tend to drag. Let me know. hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving for those in the States. Here is the link t...
Before we get to Ember's book corner, I have a few housekeeping items. Thank you to those who joined our Beta Readers team. I'm always looking for people who love to read and can give some specific feedback. Drop me a line if you are interested...
Ear Candy for AuthorsPodcasts! I have a long commute and I have found podcasts are a great way to be productive while I'm driving. There are so many good ones for authors. I’m going to mention a few I like. Then I would love to hear which you find mo...
With every book I take on a couple of new Beta Readers. Some of the old crew aren't available, and some figure out the type of reading I need isn't for them. So I pick out one or two new readers for each project. It also helps me keep fresh eyes on m...
If you haven't started reading, now is the time. Three chapters are out. As Nolan dives deeper into Nikki's murder, his journey grows increasingly more dangerous.Check it out:
It's Done!Editing Round 2 for The Soul of a Dragon is completed. Next, it will roll out to some Alpha readers, then the Beta's, then I'll hit publish. Lots for me to do in the interim. I hope you like the new format. I've sent out a lot mo...