Hello, my darlings,Happy Valentine's Day a bit early! Just a short note today, but February is JeRoWriMo, the New Jersey Romance Writers annual writing challenge, and I'm really hoping my innate sense of competition will kick in when faced with a cha...
Hello, my darlings,And happy new year! I know that the coming year is likely to be a difficult one for us all, but I have to believe that we will get through it if we stick together and support and care for each other. And so I wish you love and joy...
Hello, my darlings!Just a quick email today to let you know that all of my books are 50% off starting today through January 1st at Smashwords in their big end of year sale. It's a great time to catch up on my books cheap!You can find To Love the Drag...
Hello, my darlings,Well, somehow it's already December. So much of this year seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye. Or sometimes in my case, a haze of long covid fatigue and frustration. I didn't come close to accomplishing what I'd planned to t...
Hello, my darlings,This newsletter was supposed to be out yesterday, but I held it back, both because I wasn't quite sure how to talk about *waves hands* everything that happened this week and because I decided to put To Love the Dragon King on sale...