Hello, July!

Hello, my darlings!Is anyone else somewhat shocked that we're halfway through the year already? I'm not sure where the time has gone, and I'm not pleased. Summer has well and truly set in here, and like so many other places, we're dealing with nasty...

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Jul 08, 2024
Pride Month Sales! 🌈

Hello, my darlings!Just a quick email today to let you know about some Pride Month sales on my books that you may want to take advantage of. Because all of my books are currently on sale somewhere:To Love the Dragon King is $1.99 in ebook at all reta...

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Jun 26, 2024
Happy Pride! 🌈

Hello, my darlings!It's June! We're somehow already into Pride Month and summer. I know it isn't truly summer quite yet, but the season feels like it's started with the weather in full summer mode here suddenly. I spent a little time last month on th...

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Jun 08, 2024
Antonia's May Newsletter

Hello, my darlings!This year continues to fly by, and somehow it's May already. I'm a little disturbed at how quickly time is passing (and how behind I feel with, well, everything), but I can't say I mind that spring seems to have truly settled in he...

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May 08, 2024
Happy Spring!

Hello, my darlings!And welcome to my new subscribers! I'm so happy to have you here. If you signed up at the Clifton Library event last month, it was wonderful to meet you in person, and I hope you enjoyed the event. I loved meeting so many readers a...

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Apr 08, 2024