Someone who's struggled with back pain after 3 car accidents.

Jun 26, 2022 4:01 pm

As someone who's struggled with back pain after 3 car accidents ๐Ÿ˜ฎ, I guess it's maybe not surprising that I've ended up working in this area.


I see other adults struggling with their lower back pain, having visited doctors on numerous occasions and feeling like their back isnโ€™t improving the way they wanted. They then start to worry about their long term health, what will they feel like when they get older, will they be able to manage? And they begin to think that this back pain is what they have to live with forever.


Because relying on medication for managing pain can be so helpful but is it really something people want to rely on for the rest of their lives? And so this is why I chose to work with people with lower back pain.


There's nothing like working with someone and being told โ€œI havenโ€™t taken my pain killers for my back, my back is feeling so great and itโ€™s all down to you.โ€ 

Of course itโ€™s not all down to me, itโ€™s the individuals that make the change and follow the exercises that bring the results, itโ€™s the job or both of us working together as a team. I feel truly blessed with my students, they are grateful for me and Iโ€™m grateful to them!


I love what I do, I love working with people, I love seeing people achieve their goals. I love hearing their feedback.


If you are a current student of mine I love to hear your stories! If you are interested in sharing your story with me drop me an email or text.



07565 976 129
